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Welcome to the MapWelder Homepage!

This is the official website for MapWelder, the premiere mapping utility for Nexon's now defunct Elemental Saga.

To find out more about MapWelder, check the about section. The archive contains all the maps created with MapWelder in my possession. If you know of any that aren't there, please send them to me. The best way to identify maps created with MapWelder is that they have the Malificant icon in the corner.

Finally, though MapWelder was also compatible with the Korean version, even that is now cancelled. But on the off chance that you have any old screenshots sitting around that you would want to turn into a map, the latest version of MapWelder is available for download here. Just remember to send me any maps you create.

I'd like to thank all of the people who helped make MapWelder possible. Thanks to Serafyna for the main inspiration for MapWelder. Thanks to Goddess: Serafyna, Enigmatika, and Tellurian for beta testing it and making ES fun enough to make it worth writting. Thanks to Matafleur for hosting it. And special thanks to Raya, who was the most prolific mapper.

This site was created by Phillip Saltzman.
Mapwelder is powered by Paintlib for C++. http://www.paintlib.de
Last modified: Sun Oct 24 13:49:42 Eastern Daylight Time 2004