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Download MapWelder

Since both the English and Korean versions of Elemental Saga have been taken offline, MapWelder is only useful now if you happen to have a collection of old screenshots suitable for mapping. However, if you do version 0.9.1 can be downloaded here:

MapWelder 0.9.1

The skins recognized are the 5 that were available for the US version. If there is a new skin that you would like to see included, email me and I will tell you what screenshots I need to add it. In general, the process takes less than half an hour.

The readme is in the zip file, but can also be found here.

MapWelder is free and will always be free. I only ask that you send any maps made with it to me.

This site was created by Phillip Saltzman.
Mapwelder is powered by Paintlib for C++. http://www.paintlib.de
Last modified: Sun Oct 24 13:49:42 Eastern Daylight Time 2004